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« When should SPC UC products be used ? »

Apply the SPC UC cosmetic product once to twice daily, preferably in the evening, on the cutaneous zones to protect and nourish the face and neck. Optimal rejuvenation care for improved skin tonus and texture is achieved after seven days of continuous application.

« What are the different SPC products? Are they cosmetic, cosmeceutical, or pharmaceutical products ? »

SPC products are cosmetic products, according to Swiss OCos and EU Regulation CE 1223/2009. «Pharmaceutical-grade» refers to the quality of ingredients and requirements for manufacturing, not the regulatory classification of the products.


« What’s in the product? How does the product work ? »

SPC products are formulated with safe pharmaceutical-grade ingredients and a protein complex (i.e., collagen and fibronectin), which is naturally present in the skin. The products contain no perfume. The products work by accompanying and soothing the skin during its natural overnight process of repair and regeneration, in particular during the nocturnal circadian cycles of recuperation.


« Do some of the SPC products contain parabens as preservatives ? »

Yes, SPC UCN contains parabens in low doses. These preservatives remain the gold standard and are listed in the Swiss Pharmacopoeia as safe for topical use. No paraben-related adverse cutaneous reactions were reported to us in 30 years of use of our products.


« Are SPC products similar to cellular cosmetics ? »

No. Our technology and know-how has inspired and contributed to the success of several leaders in the cellular cosmetic field, but the Unique Cream Line cannot be assimilated to cellular cosmetics.


« Are SPC products natural ? »

The majority of our components are natural or naturally sourced but do not fill the criteria for Vegan or Bio labels. Some compromises are necessary to provide the exclusive quality and effects of the SPC products.

« When should SPC UC products be used ? »

Apply the SPC UC cosmetic product once to twice daily, preferably in the evening, on the cutaneous zones to protect and nourish the face and neck. Optimal rejuvenation care for improved skin tonus and texture is achieved after seven days of continuous application.


« Can I have samples of the product for my friends ? »

Our policy is to provide a sample to prospective clients to test the product and develop an opinion on the product before a potential purchase. A client who purchases a product may obtain samples for third parties on an exceptional basis. 


« Are SPC ingredients or products tested on animals ? »

No. SPC ingredients or final products are not tested on animals. The products benefit from several decades of use by VIP clients around the world, which recognize the high quality and effects in skincare.


« Are SPC products hypoallergenic and adapted to oily skin types ? »

Our products may act differently on sensitive and oily skin types, which is why they should be tested in small quantities in each new client, using the free sample. Some skin types are not compatible with these products.


« What is the shelf-life or expiration date of the products ? »

Our products have been characterized as highly stable, which is why they do not have an expiration date. However, the products should not be used for more than six months after they have been opened for the first time and properly stored.


« Where are your products produced ? »

Our products are designed and manufactured in Switzerland. Except for the German-made primary packaging, our products are fully Swiss-made, as attested by the SWISS LABEL.


« When will I see a result after applying your products ? »

Seven days of continuous application are usually necessary to observe the results on skin texture and tonus. 


« The prices for SPC products are quite high, are they not ? »

Our products are niche cosmetics designed for VIP clientèle and with incomparable effects. When put into perspective with other high-end cosmetic products, our prices are quite reasonable.


« Can you guarantee results of the products ? »

Clients from around the world have majoritarily provided very positive feedback on the effects of our products. However, our individual-oriented and quality-driven policy is to let the results talk for themselves. Contact us to get a complimentary sample which should be sufficient to individually judge the effects of the products after correct applications.


« Where can I buy your products ? »

Exclusively on the Swiss market, through one of our Authorized Representatives.

« Do you ship products to Swiss adresses ? And internationally ? »
At the discretion of our authorized representatives, products may be shipped by Swiss domestic mail to physical adresses within Switzerland. Shipment will be excluded if meteorological conditions may compromise the integrity of the products during transit (e.g., temperatures under 5°C or over 30°C). Direct international shipment is not possible.

« What payment methods can I use ? »
Any material or electronic means of standard currency (e.g., CHF, USD, EUR) transfer, as agreed upon with our authorized representatives.

« What is your return policy ? »
Except for unlikely cases of faulty products, no returns or refunds are possible.

« How do I contact you ? »
With our contact form on the home page of our Website.

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